IWsp SZ Infrastructure Chief’s Briefing – Bydgoszcz

Briefing of the Chief of Infrastructure at the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate – Bydgoszcz

The meeting of the Chief of Infrastructure of the Armed Forces Support Inspectorate - Bydgoszcz, held from January 30th to February 1st, 2024, was another event in which the INF ARMY team had the pleasure to participate. In the panel dedicated to environmental protection representatives, Ms. Katarzyna Kępa, the Manager, provided insights into the ecological activities within the Ministry of National Defense and the acquisition of funds for this purpose. A significant portion of the lecture focused on the progress of the INF ARMY team's project titled "Supporting Users of Military Areas in Managing Natura 2000 Sites." We express our gratitude to the organizers for the invitation.

LifeNatura 2000Narodowy Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki WodnejMinisterstwo Obrony Narodowej